

Welcome to the Wireless Research Website!




This website will provide you with background information and training material for the wireless courses taught at the integrated circuits group of Eindhoven University of Technology.

You can reach the course-specific information through the "Courses" menu at the top. Depending on the course, there will be course information, announcements, discussion forums, and (self)-study material such as slides videos, study guides etc.

The Tools menu contains some facilities that should be of interest to all students independent of the specific course, such as software, models, lab scripts, design review checklists etc.

Once you logged on to the website, you get access to right and possibly left menu columns that are accessed by clicking on the small arrow boxes in the top right and/or left corners just below the page menu.

If you have questions or comments specific to a course, please contact the relevant teacher. If you have general comments or questions, please contact p.g.m.baltus at tue.nl.


This site is brought to you by the integrated circuits group of Eindhoven University of Technology. It is powered by Tiki Wiki.


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